Chaos Vantage – Pure ray tracing in real-time | Commercial License
Chaos Vantage – Pure ray tracing in real-time | Commercial License Original price was: Rs54,022.00.Current price is: Rs21,238.00. for 1 year
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B2B & Wholesale Suite – WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

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B2B & Wholesale Suite

B2B & Wholesale Suite is a complete, all-in-one solution for setting up a wholesale, B2B, or B2B + B2C hybrid store with WooCommerce.

Original price was: Rs12,218.00.Current price is: Rs410.00. for 1 year

  • 100% Original Product and Virus Free.
  • Regular Update. 
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14 Items sold in last 24 hours
Last Update Date: January 4, 2024


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B2B & Wholesale Suite

B2B & Wholesale Suite is a complete, all-in-one solution for setting up a wholesale, B2B, or B2B + B2C hybrid store with WooCommerce.

woocommerce wholesale plugin - b2b suite

The #1 WooCommerce Wholesale Solution

B2B & Wholesale Suite is the ultimate wholesale solution, with more than 100+ features and functionalities, integrating 20 separate plugin modules.

The Suite is a complete solution for business-oriented stores, handling everything from wholesale prices, discounts, and taxes, to quote requests, order form, product visibility, business registration, content restriction and more!

It will allow you to create a personalized experience for each of your business customers, with different prices, order rules, and product catalogs.

The plugin has two dedicated shop options: B2B Shop, and mixed B2B & B2C Shop. Furthermore, the plugin’s advanced modular design ensures the plugin is easily configurable, adapts to any store, and supports blazing-fast shop performance.

Quick Overview

Main Suite Features:

  • Wholesale Prices and Discounts – Different Prices for Different Users
  • Tiered Pricing and Tiered Price Table
  • Hide Prices, Hide Shop, Force Login for Guest Users
  • Request a Quote with Customizable Forms
  • Product Visibility by Product, Category, User, and Group
  • Bulk Order Form for Rapid Wholesale Ordering
  • Business Registration and Custom Fields + Manual or Automatic Approval
  • Separate B2B and B2C Registration
  • Tax Exemptions and VAT Number Validation
  • Display prices including or excluding tax for B2B / B2C users differently
  • Rules System: custom taxes and fees, discounts, minimum order quantity and amount, quantity step, hidden prices, free shipping, and more!
  • Messaging System with Email Notifications
  • Multi-User Accounts with Permissions and Employee Accounts
  • Control Payment and Shipping Methods
  • Create and Manage Product Bundles
  • Shopping Lists (Requisition Lists) for Easy Re-orders
  • Product Details and Information Table
  • Content Control – different content for different users
  • New Payment Gateway: Pay via Invoice
  • Coupons Control – restrict coupons by role, B2B, or B2C
  • Import and Export Prices via CSV upload
  • Tools Panel with Bulk Product and User Tools
  • and much more!

B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

B2B & Wholesale Suite Box

Most complete B2B & wholesale package – Save hundreds on plugins with this all-in-one solution.

This extension bundles together over a dozen separate plugins, saving you hundreds of dollars in the process. It will also make your store run faster and smarter, as everything is controlled in a single central location.

B2B & Wholesale Suite comes with a 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee from We want to ensure that you are 100% happy with your purchase and that the plugin is a great fit for your store.

B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

B2B Suite Long Description

Business Registration View

Set up extended business registration with custom fields, including text, numbers, file upload, date, VAT, dropdowns, checkboxes, and more. Create multiple roles, set up manual or automatic approval, and attach custom fields to each role.

B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin


Bulk Order Form View

Order quickly with the plugin’s order form – search by item name, description, or SKU. Save the order form as a shopping list for later usage, or add the items to the cart directly.

Bulk Order Form

Multi-User Accounts View

Set up multi-user accounts and employee accounts. Set permissions to place orders, or view lists, discussions or orders.

Multi User Accounts View

Price Tiers + Tiered Price Table

Incentivize buyers with quantity discounts through price tiers. A tiered-price table is generated automatically and adapts to any theme. Prices are based on the quantity purchased and they change instantly as items are added to, or removed from the cart.

Tiered Pricing Table

Features in Detail

Wholesale Prices by Group

Each business group has dedicated price fields in the product-page backend. Organize users into groups and assign a unique price to each group. Create unlimited groups and pricing structures this way.

Group-based Pricing

Each group has its own pricing. Unlimited groups can be created.

Tiered Pricing and Tiered Pricing Table

Incentivize customers to purchase more by giving progressive discounts through price tiers. There can be a price table for regular users, as well as a dedicated tiered price table for each group you create. Price table is generated automatically and the design adapts to any theme.

Tiered Price Table with Flatsome

Tiered Price Table in Flatsome Theme (table design adapts to any theme)


Tool: Import and Export Prices in Bulk via CSV

Import and export prices in bulk via CSV files; bulk pricing is also compatible with 3rd-party solutions such as WP All Import.

Bulk Price Tool

Price Import Tools Backend


Guest Restriction: Hide Prices, Hide Shop, Force Login, or Request Quotes

Through a simple setting, you can control what guest users (logged-out users) see when they access the shop. You may want to hide prices (replacing prices with text such as “Login to View Prices”), hide the shop completely, or force the users to login.B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

What guest users see when the “Hide Shop” option is enabled.

B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

What guest users see when the “Hide Prices” option is enabled.

B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

What guest users see when the “Quote Request” option is enabled.

Request a Quote

You can enable quote requests for guest users, as well as for logged-in users by business group.

Choose from 4 default fields: name, email, phone, and message to set up the quote request form that users see.

Quote Request Settings

Quote-Request Settings

When users send the form, you can either be notified by email, or receive the quote as an interactive Discussion, where you can continue messaging or negotiating with the customer.

B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

Example of a Quote-Request Email

Product and Category Visibility

The plugin has an in-depth system to control which users or groups can see certain products or categories. This can be as simple or as complex as you want, based on your shop requirements and settings. You can completely disable the visibility module, set visibility by category, or set visibility for each individual item.

B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

Group Category Visibility

Wholesale Order Form

Through the wholesale order form, buyers can search for products quickly, search variations, search descriptions, and also search by SKU. Items can be added directly to the cart or saved as shopping lists to be used later.

Business Registration and Custom Fields

Through the business registration module, you can create multiple registration options such as reseller, factory, or wholesaler, and then attach registration fields to each option.

There are built-in registration fields for things like VAT number, company name, country selector, or postcode. You can also create custom fields by choosing from 9 field types (text, number, phone, date, file upload, email, checkbox, text area, and dropdown).

Custom fields and VAT numbers can also be added to billing, so they will appear in invoices and order details.

During registration, you can also request a VAT number from customers, and then automatically validate that through VIES (for EU countries only).

Separate B2B and B2C Registration

You can use the plugin’s registration shortcodes to create separate registration pages for B2B. For example, you can have a normal registration page for your B2C buyers, and a separate registration page for wholesalers.

Registration Review and Manual or Automatic Approval

Registration approvals can be set per each registration option. For example, you can configure the following:

  • Individual buyers are approved automatically
  • A restricted role such as “Wholesaler” is reviewed and approved manually. Once approved, the user is added to the “Wholesalers” group, and they get a different catalog and better prices.

B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

User Approval Panel

Tax Exemptions

You can exempt specific users or groups from taxes. You can link the exemption to qualifiers like VAT validation. For example, you can have users with automatically validated VAT numbers (based on VIES for EU countries) be tax-exempt. Or you can have a restricted group of tax-exempt users and tie this group to manual registration; you can review their tax documents before accepting them.

Another option available here is showing tax, but not charging it (withholding tax).

Display prices differently, including or excluding tax, for B2B and B2C users.

Display prices with VAT for B2C users, and without VAT for certain B2B groups. This is connected to the tax-exemption function and controlled through tax-exemption rules.

Rules System

The plugin’s Rules System is highly configurable and has several powerful rules:

  • Discounts (percentage or amount) – Example: 15% off Wines for Resellers
  • Minimum and Maximum Orders – Example: $1000 Minimum Order for Wholesalers
  • Quantity Step – Example: bottled water can only be purchased in a set of six (box size is six)
  • Custom Taxes and Fees – Example: set different shipping costs for B2B users by adding custom fees
  • Hidden Price – Example: hide prices for the wines category for all logged-out users.
  • Free Shipping – Example: offer free shipping for purchasing a minimum of $500 for resellers, but $1000 for VIP users
  • Zero Tax Products – Example: no tax on cigarettes for licensed sellers
  • Minimum Order to Use Payment Method – Example: bank transfers can be used only for orders of $1000 and up
  • Tax Exemptions – Example: wholesale users are tax-exempt
  • Quotes – Example: resellers can’t place orders directly, they must request a quote first

Discussions and Messaging

Through discussions, customers can contact you in an interactive messaging panel. They can leave you messages for quotes, questions, or anything else. The shop can also start discussions.

Send a new message, and configurable email notifications (can be disabled) will notify the shop and customer.

B2B users have a discussions panel in their My Account section, where they can view and send messages.

Messaging Panel

Messaging panel in users’ My Account

Multi-User Accounts with Permissions

Through the multi-user accounts feature, customers can create child accounts, and configure limited permissions.

For example, they can create an employee account that can create purchase lists but does not have permission to place the order. Then the main account can open the list, review it, and decide whether to place the order.

Current permissions are place order, view orders, view bundles, view discussions, view shopping lists.

Multiple accounts can participate in 1 discussion and leave messages. In the orders panel, the main account owner can view which account placed which order.

Multi User Accounts Panel

Multi-user accounts panel

Shipping and Payment Methods Control

You can enable or disable shipping and payment methods for:

  • Each business group individually
  • B2C users
  • Logged out users
  • Each individual user in their account profile

For each user, you can choose whether they follow their group’s rules (default) or have a unique setup.

User Payment Methods

Methods in User Profile Panel

Product Bundles

Create and configure product bundles and packages for your customers. These can be special offers, limited promotions, or general bundles. Configure visibility for each bundle so that only particular users or groups see it. Users can add bundles to the cart directly from their My Account section.

Shopping Lists

Allows users to create shopping requisition lists, which they can save and later use to purchase quickly. It’s ideal for situations where customers have to make the same purchases frequently, such as stock resupply.

Shopping Lists in My Account

Shopping Lists in My Account

Product Details and Information Table

Through the product information table, you can highlight various data on the product page. For example, you may want to show minimum order requirements, free shipping thresholds, or the date when you are expecting new stock. Table design adapts to any theme.

Information Table with WoodMart

Information Table with WoodMart Theme

Content Control – Different Content for Different Users

By wrapping content inside the plugin’s shortcode, you can show different content to different users, guests, logged-in users, user roles, and even specific users by username. For example, you can have two different product descriptions, one for guest users and another for approved member users.

New Payment Gateway: Pay via Invoice

The plugin allows buyers to purchase using the invoice gateway, so that they don’t have to settle the payment immediately. Users will be emailed to expect an invoice. The plugin does not generate actual invoices. They are expected to be handled by the shop separately.

Invoice Payment Gateway

Invoice Payment Gateway

Coupons Control – Restrict Coupons by Role

Configure allowed users or groups that can use a particular coupon. For example, you can make a coupon available to your B2C users, but not to wholesalers, who may already be getting substantial discounts.

Allowed Roles for Coupon

Allowed Roles for Coupons

Included Extensions

When buying B2B & Wholesale Suite you are getting our best possible deal, at an 80%+ discount compared to price paid if each functionality would be purchased separately. This is a suite of over 20 modules and also includes the following plugins (but not only, as this suite has many additional functions):


Hide Prices & Private Store plugin is also included in B2B & Wholesale Suite.

Subaccounts & Multiuser Accounts plugin is also included in B2B & Wholesale Suite.

Other Features

There are various other features that may not be mentioned above: integrations across features, email notifications, tools panel with user bulk editor, rules configurations, etc. If you are looking for a particular functionality please review the plugin demo or get in touch with your questions.

Plugin emails can be customized by using the YayMail email customizer plugin.

B2B & Wholesale Suite - WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin

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