Chaos Vantage – Pure ray tracing in real-time | Commercial License
Chaos Vantage – Pure ray tracing in real-time | Commercial License Original price was: US$658.80.Current price is: US$259.00. for 1 year
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Table Maker – Divi-Modules

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Divi-Modules – Table Maker brings beautiful responsive tables to the Divi Builder. Style every part of the table from Content to Columns, Headers to Footers, right down to individual Cells, without the need for shortcodes.

Original price was: US$39.00.Current price is: US$4.99.

  • 100% Original Product and Virus Free.
  • Regular Update. 
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7 Items sold in last 24 hours
Last Update Date: December 4, 2023



Divi-Modules – Table Maker brings beautiful responsive tables to the Divi Builder. Style every part of the table from Content to Columns, Headers to Footers, right down to individual Cells, without the need for shortcodes.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Features Include:

► Multiple Headers and Footers

► Column and Row Spanning

► Icon, Button and Image Cells

► Accordion view for mobile

► Scrolling with Sticky Headers

Title & Description: 🎉 NEW! 🎉

Tables can include a title and description which can be positioned above or below the table, or hidden so that they are visible to screen readers only.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Columns & Rows:

Tables can include as many columns and rows as you need.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Headers & Footers:

Tables can include any combination of table content, column headers, column footers, row headers, and row footers.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Corners: 🎉 NEW! 🎉

Corner options allow you to hide or show the table’s top-left corner cells and select whether corners are styled as headers or footers.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Width & Height:

Column widths and row heights can be set using a combination of flexible and fixed units.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Scrolling:

Tables can be set to scroll, with optional sticky column and row headers to keep headers pinned to the edge and visible at all times.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Responsive:

Tables can be set to display as blocks or accordion at tablet and phone size, with the option of breaking the table by columns or by rows. ► See live examples

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Spanning:

Table cells can be set to span across multiple columns and rows. Even complex table configurations, like the one below, still work beautifully at tablet and phone size.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Content:

Table content can include text, icons, buttons and images. ► See available icons

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Frame:

Tables can be framed with gaps or lines. Gaps put a space between each table cell, allowing backgrounds to show through. Lines frame each cell with a solid or decorative border.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Stripes: 🎉 NEW! 🎉

Tables rows can be striped with alternating colors. Stripes can be separately applied to table content, headers and footers and ordered by odd or even rows.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Hover: 🎉 NEW! 🎉

Tables can include a horizontal or vertical hover effect which can be a tint, blend, or pure color. The hover effect can be separately applied to table content, headers and footers.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Colors:

There are separate color options for table content, column headers, column footers, row headers, and row footers. Styles can be applied table-wide, per column, or individual cell.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Text:

There are separate text options for table content, column headers, column footers, row headers, and row footers. Styles can be applied table-wide, per column, or individual cell.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Table Cells:

Additional table cell styling options include horizontal and vertical text alignment, variable padding, borders, rounded corners, box shadows, customisable accordion toggles, and more.

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

► See The Examples

► See The Videos

► See The Documentation

► See The Change Log

Table Maker vs. TablePress Styler:

Table Maker - Divi-Modules

Divi-Modules – Table Maker and TablePress Styler are both great tools for creating tables in the Divi Builder, but which one is right for you? Visit the Divi-Modules website to compare these two amazing products and find the right tool for your next project. ► Compare Products

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