Bulk Edit Categories, Tags, and Taxonomies using a Spreadsheet
No import/export needed. All the changes apply live on the website.
What is a taxonomy?
In WordPress we use taxonomies for grouping posts. For example:
– The blog posts have categories and tags
– WooCommerce products have product categories, tags, and global attributes (color, sizes, etc.).
– Events have categories, event types, organizers, etc.
A Spreadsheet Created Especially for All Taxonomies
WordPress has a page for editing categories, tags, attributes, event categories, portfolio categories, and all taxonomies. But it’s very limited 🙂
You need to create every category one at a time and edit every category to add a description, images, and more information.
The searches are very limited. You can find categories by name only. You end up opening a lot of pages, making a lot of clicks, and wasting a lot of time.
Finding categories with empty descriptions or categories without image is almost impossible in the WordPress interface.
Use Cases
Advanced search for Categories
You can search by multiple fields and using multiple conditions.
For example, find all categories with empty description.
Find categories without image, etc.
Find categories by keyword, parent category, custom fields, SEO title and description, and more
Edit thousands of product attributes at once
We have a formulas engine that lets you update a lot of product categories, tags, and attributes quickly. You can do powerful updates.
You can replace values in ANY field = Replace category names, words in descriptions, parent categories, images, etc.
Add a description or upload an image to hundreds of categories at once. Move hundreds of categories from one parent category to another.
Import product categories, tags, attributes from Excel
You can create category, tags, product attributes quickly in multiple ways:
You can write the info in the sheet quickly.
You can import a file from your wholesaler, supplier, dropshipper
You can copy paste info from Excel
You can copy paste the list of categories from other websites.
View all the information in a single place
You can view all the categories, tags, and product attributes in the spreadsheet, you can view everything in a single page.
You can edit all the fields too, including category names, slugs, parent category, descriptions, images, SEO title and description, custom fields added by other plugins, and more.
It shows custom fields added by other plugins automatically, no setup needed.
- This plugin provides one spreadsheet for every taxonomy.
- One spreadsheet for categories, another spreadsheet for tags.
- One spreadsheet for Colors, Sizes, and every product attribute.
- Edit all the categories, tags, product attributes, event categories, portfolio categories, etc. in a spreadsheet.
- Create categories, tags, and product attributes in bulk quickly.
- Update categories, tags, and product attributes names, slugs, descriptions, etc. in bulk.
- Make advanced searches by keyword, parent, description, image, and any custom field.
Powerful Bulk Editor with Formulas
You can edit hundreds or thousands of categories, tags, event categories, and product attributes at once.
Edit category descriptions in BULK.
Add categories SEO title and description in Bulk.
Upload category images in Bulk.
Replace words or phrases in categories, tags, and product attributes descriptions, etc. in bulk.
Convert categories into tags, convert tags into product attributes, convert sizes into another attribute in seconds
Move hundreds of categories to another parent category.
General Features
- Taxonomies: The plugin generates one spreadsheet for every taxonomy. One spreadsheet for categories, one sheet for tags, another for every product attribute (Sizes, Colors, etc.).
- Duplicate terms: You can clone or duplicate a category and create a lot of copies, and the posts are assigned to the new category automatically.
- Convert terms: You can convert terms from one taxonomy to another. Tags to categories, categories to product attributes, product attribute (Color) to another product attribute, etc.
- Move terms: You can move hundreds of categories from one parent to another.
- Unlimited taxonomy terms: The Spreadsheet supports thousands of categories, tags, product attributes, event categories, etc.
- Custom Columns: You can add new columns to the Spreadsheet for editing custom fields.
- Bulk edit terms meta: You can edit Custom Fields added by other plugins, they show in the spreadsheet automatically.
- Columns Visibility: You can remove, deactivate, display, and sort columns.
- Formulas: You can update hundreds of categories, tags, and product attributes at once using Formulas.
- Advanced Custom Fields: Advanced Custom Fields metaboxes automatically appear in the spreadsheet.
- Advanced search: You can find categories, tags, event categories, and product attributes by keyword, slug, description, images, and any field.
- Columns resizing: You can resize columns.
- Columns renaming: You can rename columns.
We Support Large Websites
The plugin is very efficient with your server resources.
It loads only on wp-admin. It doesn’t affect the speed of your site.
You can load thousands of rows in the spreadsheet without issues.
You can control the number of rows to save per batch. i.e. 3 rows every 20 seconds.
You can control the time to wait between batches when saving changes. i.e. 3 rows every 60 seconds.
It saves only the modified cells in the spreadsheet. For example, you can load 500 rows, edit 3 fields, and it saves only 3 fields.
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