Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter mak 500 user
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter mak 500 user Original price was: Rs36,900.00.Current price is: Rs8,200.00.
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Frontend Editor Add-on for LearnPress

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Frontend Editor Add-On For LearnPress

  • Create a page where all instructors can access and edit courses on Frontend, without having to access WordPress Dashboard.
  • You can Create Course, Edit Course, Create Lessons, Edit Lessons, Configure course setting with this Frontend Editor Add-on.

Original price was: Rs4,920.00.Current price is: Rs410.00. for 1 year

  • 100% Original Product and Virus Free.
  • Regular Update. 
Payments Method elements keys
5 Items sold in last 24 hours
Last Update Date: January 16, 2024


Frontend Editor Add-On For LearnPress

  • Create a page where all instructors can access and edit courses on Frontend, without having to access WordPress Dashboard.
  • You can Create Course, Edit Course, Create Lessons, Edit Lessons, Configure course setting with this Frontend Editor Add-on.
frontend editor add on for learnpress

How It Helps To Increase Conversion

Key features of Frontend Editor Add-On for LearnPress


Need Some Extra Features For Your Site?

Our team can do anything related to WordPress

Easy To Activate And Customize To Your Website

Step by step tutorial how to use Frontend Editor Add-On for LearnPress

Download Add – On

. To download Frontend Editor add-on for LearnPress, visit ‘My Account’ on

. Click ‘Download‘ or ‘Select version‘ to download

Install and Activate

. Click ‘Upload Plugin‘ and choose the plugin zip files that you just downloaded. Click ‘Install Now‘ to start the installation process

. After plugin installed successfully, click ‘Activate Plugin‘ and you will be notified that the plugin is activated

Setting Frontend Editor

. Visit LearnPress > Frontend Editor

. Create new Courses, Quizzes, Lessons, and Setting Profiles.




Latest Release

Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter mak 500 user

Original price was: Rs36,900.00.Current price is: Rs8,200.00.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and Enterprise mak 500 user

Original price was: Rs57,400.00.Current price is: Rs9,020.00.

Windows Server 2016 Datacenter mak 100 user

Original price was: Rs36,900.00.Current price is: Rs8,200.00.

Windows Server 2016 Standard mak 100 user

Original price was: Rs19,844.00.Current price is: Rs8,200.00.

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