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Invite Only Membership Add On Plugin – Paid Memberships Pro

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Invite Only Membership Add On Plugin – Paid Memberships Pro

Require an invite code to sign up for the specified Membership Levels (works for free or paid levels). After membership checkout, the member is given invite codes to share.

Original price was: US$247.00.Current price is: US$4.99. for 1 year

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Last Update Date: November 5, 2023


Invite Only Membership Add On Plugin – Paid Memberships Pro

Require an invite code to sign up for the specified Membership Levels (works for free or paid levels). After membership checkout, the member is given invite codes to share.

The Invite Only Add On allows you to restrict membership signups for specific membership levels and require an invite code.

How it Works

After completing their membership checkout, your member will receive a unique invite code that they can share with others. You can specify the number of uses on the invite code, make it unlimited, or give the member multiple single-use codes.

A list of used/unused invite code(s) is displayed on the Membership Account page, allowing a member to see who has used their code to register and manage the unused codes tied to their account.

The admin can increase the number of invites available for a user on the “Edit User” page.

Note: At this time the Invite Only Add On is not compatible with WooCommerce checkout. Checkout must be completed through Paid Memberships Pro.


You must have the Paid Memberships Pro plugin installed and activated with a valid license type to use this Add On.

  1. Navigate to Memberships > Add Ons in the WordPress admin.
  2. Locate the Add On and click “Install Now”.
    • To install this plugin manually, download the .zip file above, then upload the compressed directory via the Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin screen in the WordPress admin.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in the WordPress admin.

Video Demo: Invite Only Membership


Set the following globals and constants in your site using your preferred method to make customizations to your membership site.

global $pmproio_invite_required_levels;
$pmproio_invite_required_levels = array(1);

A comma-separated list of Membership Level IDs that require an invite code.


global $pmproio_invite_given_levels;
$pmproio_invite_given_levels = array(1);

(Optional) Specify if only specific levels should be given invite codes to share. Defaults to the value set for $pmproio_invite_required_levels.


define( 'PMPROIO_CODES', 1 );

(Optional) Set the number of invite codes to be created at checkout (the maximum a user can get without admin intervention). Default: 1.

Note: If you set this to create a large number of codes (more than 25), you may experience a very slow checkout process or even that your checkout process crashes. Please test your checkout process and consider working with your host or developer if you need to optimize the process. Or, consider using few codes that have more uses using the PMPROIO_CODES_USES constant below.


define( 'PMPROIO_CODES_USES', false);

(Optional) Set the number of times each code can be used. Default: false.

Set this constant to false for an invite code with unlimited uses. Or, set this constant to a specific numerical value to limit how many times the invite code can be used.


Limitations on Invite Codes and Renewals

The Invite Only Membership Add only creates the invite code(s) and use(s) after the member’s initial checkout. Membership renewal or levels changes will not necessarily generate more invite codes—the admin can add code, though, on the edit user screen in the WordPress admin.

When the member expires or cancels, their Invite Codes will become invalid. However, any invited members who already used the code will remain active members. If the member who used their invite code initially for checkout tries to buy a new membership or manually renew, their original code will not work again. They will need a new code to check out.

If you are instead looking for a group membership relationship where child accounts are linked to the parent account, please consider using the Sponsored Members Add On instead.


Membership Confirmation Page with Invite Codes Message
Membership Confirmation Page with Invite Codes Message


Membership Account Page with Invite Codes Management
Membership Account Page with Invite Codes Management


Admin or Membership Manager View of a Member's Invites on Edit Profile
Admin or Membership Manager View of a Member’s Invites on Edit Profile


Membership Checkout Page with ability to enter Invite Code
Membership Checkout Page with ability to enter Invite Code

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