MediLink – Health & Medical WordPress Theme
Medilink is a WordPress health theme for medical institutions, clinics, hospitals, and health-oriented organizations. It is a theme that’s designed specifically for the use by medical websites.
You’ll find that Medilink gives you ample freedom to talk about your health organization in a way that leaves no questions in patients’ minds.
Creating a medical website should always be about giving patients what they need. One of the ways that Medilink achieves this is through a design that focuses on health-related needs.
Two primary features of Medilink are the Doctors Time Table & Schedule Page. And also, a Quick Doctor Appointment Page.
These features will let patients to quickly schedule an appointment with the appropriate doctor right from your website. And because Medilink is a mobile-friendly medical theme, your patients will have the freedom to make appointments using their smartphone.
The appointment form lets patients select a health department and individual doctor’s names. This ensures that they’ll always make the right appointment with the right doctor.
Since we understand that your needs might be unique, we built Medlink to include multiple website layout variations. At the moment, we have 6 unique homepage demos, all of which are tailored for the health industry.
Furthermore, our custom design extends to inner-pages, such as Doctors and Departments. By using the Medilink WordPress Health Theme, you’ll gain an outstanding set of features to ensure that your medical site is easily accessible for everyone.
This theme is equipped with some of the best customization tools on the market. Medilink supports the Elementor Page Builder, but a lot of customization can be done using the in-built WordPress Live Customizer. It’s our goal to make this theme as easy to use as possible.
MediLink Features:
- Based on Bootstrap 4
- 10 Home Pages (Multi Page).
- 10 Home Pages (One Pages).
- 5 Header Styles can do 15+ header variations.
- 2 different Footer Style
- 2 About Page Layouts.
- 5 Doctors Page Layouts.
- 3 Department Page Layouts
- 3 Blog Page Layouts
- Drag & Drop Page Builder included & Elementor
- Powerful Premium Slider included & Layer Slider ($22)
- Responsive & Mobile Friendly.
- SEO Friendly
- Unlimited Color Combinations.
- Customizer Included so you can change real time of theme option
- Powerful Admin Panel by Redux.
- Dynamic Page Header
- Clean, Trending and Modern Design.
- Free Lifetime updates!
- One Click Demo Importer.
- Child Theme Included.
- Supports all modern browsers Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE11+.
- WPML Translation Supported ( also pot file included)
- Quick & Faster Support (15 hrs online in a day)
- Google Web Font
- Detail Documentation Included.
Font & Fontawesome Icon
Roboto ( Poppins (
Change Logs
VERSION 2.0.3 ( 10 OCTOBER 2023)
Fixed: Implicit conversion, Doctor Spiling, RT Framework Meta PHP Version: 8.0 & 8.2 Compatibility, Updated: Medilink Core, RT Framework
VERSION 2.0.2 ( 29 AUGUST 2023)
Fixed: Widgets Icon Image, Fixed: Doctor Single responsive issue, Fixed: Medilink-core Addon Experience color control Option Updated: LayerSlider, Medilink Core, Review Schema Pro
VERSION 2.0.1 (JULY 05, 2023)
Fixed: Some RTL CSS Updated: LayerSlider Plugin
VERSION 2.0.0 (JUNE 19, 2023)
Fixed: Translatable Text Added: 2 New Home Page, Header Layout 11 & Footer Layout 3 Updated: medilink-core Updated: rt-demo-importer, review-schema-pro & LayerSlider
VERSION 1.7.3 (APRIL 18, 2023)
Fixed: Doctor search page pagination bug Fixed: Custom Sidebar in departments post type bug Fixed: Some errors with PHP 8.2 environment. Fixed: One Page mobile navbar Issue. Updated: Medilink Core, RT Demo Importer & Layer Slider
VERSION 1.7.2 (JANUARY 25, 2023)
Fixed: Elementor deprecated function error Updated: Medilink Core, Layer Slider, RT Demo Importer & Review Schema Pro
VERSION 1.7.1 (SEPTEMBER 01, 2022)
Added: Home Page 11 Added: 4 New Departments layout Fixed: PHP Version 8 support Updated: Layer Slider & Review Schema Pro
VERSION 1.7.0 (MAR 24, 2022)
Update: Layer Slider Fixed: Elementor deprecated function error
VERSION 1.6.9 (FEB 16, 2022)
Fixed: Doctors time table responsive view fixed Fixed: Archive title issue fixed Update: LayerSlider version update
VERSION 1.6.8 (FEB 14, 2022)
Update: Layer Slider, Review Schema Pro Plugins
VERSION 1.6.7 (FEB 03, 2022)
Fixed: Doctor details page day translate bug fixed Update: LayerSlider plugin
VERSION 1.6.6 (DEC 18, 2021)
Update: Layer Slider Plugin
VERSION 1.6.5 (DEC 2, 2021)
Fixed: RTL issue of Home Page (9 & 10)
VERSION 1.6.4 (NOV 26, 2021)
Added: 2 New Home Page (9 & 10)
VERSION 1.6.3 (OCT 19, 2021)
Fixed: Doctor contact widget info fixed Fixed: Doctors page 3 bug fixed Update: LayerSlider version update Added: Review & Schema plugin
VERSION 1.6.2 (AUGUST 23, 2021)
Fixed: Doctor contact widget info fixed Added: Doctor profile link
VERSION 1.6.1 (JULY 23, 2021)
Fixed: multi column mega menu
VERSION 1.6.0 (JULY 16, 2021)
Fixed: mobile nav menu issue
VERSION 1.5.9 (JULY 14, 2021)
Fixed: Doctor filter issue
VERSION 1.5.8 (JUN 29, 2021)
Fixed: RTL version menu issue
VERSION 1.5.7 (MAY 26, 2021)
Fixed: Subscription form Fixed: Mobile nav call to action button Fixed: Missing image attribute Updated: Layer Slider v 6.11.8 Improve: Page speed & performance optimization
VERSION 1.5.6 (MAR 29, 2021)
Fixed: Header mobile button fix Fixed: Info box addon button fix Fixed: WPML config fix Update: LayerSlider Update v 6.11.6
VERSION 1.5.5 (FEB 15, 2021)
VERSION 1.5.4 (DEC 24, 2020)
Fix: Slider issue
VERSION 1.5.3 (DEC 14, 2020)
Fixed: Hamburger menu icons Fixed: WordPress 5.6 Compartability.
VERSION 1.5.2 (NOV 27, 2020)
Fixed: Translate file update Fixed: Console fix image slider Updated: All Plugin Update
VERSION 1.5.1 (SEP 09, 2020)
VERSION 1.5 (MAR 09, 2020)
Updated: appointment-form Fixed: Departments-2 page fix Fixed: Doctors Time Table update css
VERSION 1.4.9 (MAR 06, 2020)
Fix: A JS Bug
VERSION 1.4.7 (MAR 03, 2020)
Added: 2 New Home Pages. Added: 2 New Header style for mobile. Fixed: Some CSS issue.
VERSION 1.4.6 (DEC 09, 2019)
Fixed: Mobile Menu
VERSION 1.4.5 (DEC 04, 2019)
Fixed: Slider responsive issue Fixed: Service Tab Added: SVG support Updated: LayerSlider plugin
VERSION 1.4.4 (OCT 03, 2019)
Add: RTL Version. Update: WPLayer Slider
VERSION 1.4.3 (JULY 05, 2019)
Fixed: Sticky header control.
VERSION 1.4.2 (JUNE 11, 2019)
Fixed Language POT file
VERSION 1.4.1 (MAY 15)
Fixed: Departments admin end pagination. Plugin Update: Layer Slider.
VERSION 1.4 (MAY 03, 2019)
1) Menu Bar Text with control. 2) Top bar Email address control. 3) Footer translation fixed.
VERSION 1.3 (APRIL 24, 2019)
Fixed: Header Jumping Issue. Fixed: Some Responsive Issue.
VERSION 1.2 (APRIL 11, 2019)
Fixed: Some CSS & Spacing Added: A new addon for home page.
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