Microsoft Office 2019 Standard 500 PC MAK
Microsoft Office 2019 Standard 5000 PC MAK Original price was: Rs409,918.00.Current price is: Rs172,938.00.
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Thrive Clever Widgets

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Thrive Clever Widgets is a marketing-oriented WordPress plugin that improves user experience and conversion in a couple of clicks. Unfortunately, most websites use a place in the sidebar, basement or other widget zones, regardless of the user’s preferences. It doesn’t matter which page of the site the user reads, he will see the same content in the sidebar.

Original price was: Rs12,218.00.Current price is: Rs410.00. for 1 year

  • 100% Original Product and Virus Free.
  • Regular Update. 
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1 Item sold in last 24 hours
Last Update Date: February 19, 2024


Thrive Clever Widgets is a marketing-oriented WordPress plugin that improves user experience and conversion in a couple of clicks. Unfortunately, most websites use a place in the sidebar, basement or other widget zones, regardless of the user’s preferences. It doesn’t matter which page of the site the user reads, he will see the same content in the sidebar.

Using the Clever Widgets plugin, you can easily show highly relevant content in your widget areas. Instead of a generic offering that barely raises an eyebrow, you can show your visitors the kind of thing that makes them say “this is exactly what I’ve been looking for!”

Clever Widgets acknowledges the simple fact that your website visitors are telling you a lot about themselves simply by which posts and pages they are looking at. With the Clever Widgets plugin, you can now determine precisely where your widget content should be shown to visitors, based on categories, tags, post types and even down to include and exclude rules for specific pages.

Thrive Clever Widgets Free Download is a WordPress plugin that seamlessly integrates with the default widgets options in WordPress. For any widget you add to any widget area, you’ll see this new link appear, once you have the plugin installed.

Using Clever Widgets, only the widgets that need to be loaded on any given page are loaded. All of the widgets that are excluded on a page add no data to that page. In other words: displaying widgets with the logic in this plugin is no slower than displaying widgets the old “one-size-fits-all” way.​

How Clever Widgets Improves User Experience & Conversion Rate

Thrive Clever Widgets
Thrive Clever Widgets


This is how almost all websites use the space available on the sidebar, footer area or other widget areas: no matter which part of your website your visitor is looking at, they will always see the exact same content.

This causes 2 major problems:

  1. It disregards the fact that different people come to different parts of your website for different reasons. Instead, it treats everyone with a “one-size-fits-all” approach.
  2. It forces you to show generic content in your widget areas, hoping to appeal to as many people as possible.

The result?

Your widget content isn’t particularly relevant to anyone and gets ignored by almost everyone.


Thrive Clever Widgets
Thrive Clever Widgets

Using the Clever Widgets plugin GPL, you can easily show highly relevant content in your widget areas. Instead of a generic offering that barely raises an eyebrow, you can show your visitors the kind of thing that makes them say “this is exactly what I’ve been looking for!”

And for you, that means more clicks, fewer bounces and higher conversion rates.

Clever Widgets acknowledges the simple fact that your website visitors are telling you a lot about themselves simply by which posts and pages they are looking at. With the Clever Widgets plugin, you can now determine precisely where your widget content should be shown to visitors, based on categories, tags, post types and even down to include and exclude rules for specific pages.

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