WP Multi Store Locator Pro
WP Multi Store Locator Pro is an advanced location finder with features like nearby store search, multiple templates support, map detail direction from point A to Point B, custom markers & clusters, and stores statistics.
You can customize everything, including map templates, layouts, styles, and color options.
It uses custom post types with 20+ different filters that help you change the look and feel of the Store Locator.
The number on a cluster indicates how many markers it contains. Notice that as you zoom into any cluster locations, the number on the cluster decreases, and you begin to see the individual markers on the map.
Statistics give commercial enterprise proprietors valuable insight into store recognition, new store demand, and product performance.
Sales Manager data can be imported and exported to a comma-separated value (CSV) file.
You can add multiple maps and search options like Get my location, Radius field, category field, etc.
You can copy the embed code[wp_multi_store_locator_map id=1] and then paste it on the source code anywhere on your website.
Gutenberg Block enables the admin to show stores directly on the front-end without using any shortcode.
Detailed direction on the map gives users start to end location details, including driving directions, nearby places, and road maps.
Drag the pointer to another area with a defined radius without refreshing a page.
Users can configure map setting options like Map Width, Map Height, Map Type, Search Unit, Search radius options, Enable Search.
You can customize the content of the info window by adding HTML code (if required).
The number on a cluster indicates how many markers it contains. Notice that as you zoom into any of the cluster locations, the number on the cluster decreases, and you begin to see the individual markers on the map.
Use these tools to get the directions between any point using store locator. Enter a city or an address in both the From and the To address inputs. Click Find Directions, and the tool will display the route you need to take to get from your starting location to your end location. The turn by turn directions will be displayed below the map and will contain the distance and approximate time it will take to get from one location to the other.
Placeholders Settings Screen
User can manually add categories from the back end and search category wise direction like office, clinics, store from the front end.
Customize Colors and Styles for your store locator to suit your company and website branding / corporate branding. You can change the map color, panel colors, text colors and many more from the administrator’s panel.
Stores, Sales Manager data can be imported and exported to a comma-separated value (CSV) file. The imported and exported CSV file contains column headers as the first row of the CSV file that corresponds to Tracker field names.
WP Multi Store Locator supports Import/Export store addresses with categories in any hierarchical order. The pattern followed by WP Multi Store locator for categories is described below.
You can copy the embed code and then proceed to paste it on the source code anywhere in your website.
Statistics gives commercial enterprise proprietors valuable insight into store recognition, new store demand, and product performance.
What Our Customers Are Saying?
Official Documentation
Click here to view our official documentation
Version : 1.0 Date : 02/02/2017 Initial Release.
Version : 1.1 Date : 30/05/2017 Added attribute "Location" in shortcode. Added attribute "City" in the shortcode. Added attribute "State" in the shortcode. Added attribute "Radius" in the shortcode. Option to display default map with in specific radius/location. Fixed Direction Icon.
Version : 1.1.1 Date : 13/06/2017 Added - New Layouts Added - Store Listings Added - Counter icon Added - Custom Map Styling Added - Option to Enable/ Disable Search Filter Added - Search Placeholder Option Added - Add Your Own Marker Added - Search Toggle Disable / Enable Option
Version : 1.2 Date : 10/07/2017 Add - Support For RTL Add - Support For WPML Add - Compatibility For Avada (Fusion Builder) Add - Compatibility For Divi Builder Add - Visual Composer Block Element
Version : 1.2.1 Date : 24/07/2017 Fixed - Js store_locatore_search_lat,store_locatore_search_lng remove from hidden field to get direction if search option disabled.
Version : 1.2.2 Date : 28/07/2017 Added - Single Page Functionality For Your Stores.
Version: 1.3 Date: 21/08/2017 Added - Support For Divi builder. Added - Support For Elementor builder. Added - Support For Beaver builder. Update - Overhaul the of import functionality. Fixed - cross browser CSS fixes. Fixed - Map Height Setting. Fixed - Listing Setting. Fixed - WooCommerce Confliction. Fixed - Confliction with UPD Power Builder ( Cherry framework ).
Version : 1.3.1 Date : 08/09/2017 Added - Compatible with Jupiter Version: 5.9.7 Fixed - Responsive CSS on search store layout.
Version : 1.4 Date : 19/09/2017 Added - Translation support using .PO .MO files
Version : 1.5 Date : 11/10/2017 Fixed - Statistics Page Fixes. Fixed - Store import instantly. Added - Confliction with niceSelect removed. Added - Clickable Call button on store phone number infowindow.
Version : 1.8 Date : 18/1/2018 Added - Store List Dynamic Label. Added - Support for import/export store categories. Added - Optimized Import/Export Store compatibility.
Version : 2.4 Date : 15/02/2018 Added - Introduced map clusters functionality Added - Import/export categories. Added - Default location. Added - Map Zoom by scroll dynamic setting. Added - Added new layout. Added - Added multiple layout options. Fixed - Search locations. Fixed - Admin settings in an easy way. Fixed - CSS related issues.
Version : 2.6 Date : 07/03/2018 Fixed - Get my location SSL check. Added - Search location with function based. Fixed - Map Search Open as Default with back end setting.
Version : 2.7 Date : 30/03/2018 Fixed - Search box toggle issue.
Version: 2.8 Date : 12/06/2018 Fixed - snazzy map style Fixed - Marker popup image Added - field for dynamic labels
Version : 2.9 Date : 01/17/2019 Compatible upto WordPress 5.0.3 Fixed - Admin Backend CSS issue fixed Fixed - Fixed minor php bugs
Version : 3.0 Date : 06/09/2019 Added - Multiple Maps By Categories. Added - Info Window Customization. Added - Google Maps Detailed Direction On Map & Redirect. Added - Custom Markers. Added - Category Based Markers Added - Embed Map Functionality Added - Multiple Templates Support For Maps
Version : 3.0.1 Date : 28/10/2019 Fixed - Old shortcode CSS issues fixed
Version: 3.5.0 Date: 14/1/2020 Fixed - Sales Managers not saving. Fixed - Use category markers for store markers not working. Fixed - Different Map Styles Not working. Fixed - Get Directions showing directions in terms of 'walking' instead of 'driving'. Added - 'clear stores' button on import. Added - Longitude and Latitude in import and export. Fixed - Shortcode showing custom and the fullscreen map should now be compatible with Gutenberg and Divi theme. Fixed - Stores show up in frontend, even after they are deleted from the trash in WordPress admin.
Version: 4.0 Date: 18/2/2020 Added - Fit Screen To Stores Option. Added - Fill Radius with color Option. Added - Fill color Option. Added - Export stores by category option. Added - Reset map option in search. Added 'Reset to Default' option in Global Map Settings. Improvement - Stores now showing from closest to the farthest in grid. Improvement - in custom maps on clicking a store info-window the address will now populate in directions route end field Improvement - displayed a message when map is disabled from back-end Fixed - 'Default Map Zoom Level' was not being applied. Fixed - 'Location Search Zoom Level' was not being applied. Fixed - Category Image was not saving on update in category page. Fixed - Showing all categories in search options instead of the ones assigned to map. Fixed - 'Maximum number of markers to be displayed' not working Fixed - after import, stores not visible on map until we update each store. Fixed - Map not rendering in Elementor page editor. Fixed - All visible warnings and notices. Removed - 'Location not found text' option from admin options
Version: 4.1 Date: 30/4/2020 Added - Option to add category and description in store info-window in custom map. Added - Option to import store description via csv. Fixed - Google Logo Hide Issue Fixed
Version: 4.2 Date: 30/6/2020 Fixed - Some part of the map is behind the stores grid. Fixed - Stores sorting by a distance not working when we search a location. Fixed - Only city name showing up in location field in full-screen map Fixed - On Get Direction it always shows the direction from the default location to store location. Fixed - Notices and warnings. Fixed - Multi Store Locator element in WPBakery Page Builder not working. Fixed - '+' sign being added if phone number column is empty in Store Import. Added - Email and Description in Store Export. Added - Option to hide 'Points of Interest'.
Version: 4.2.1 Date: 17/12/2020 Fixed - In custom map when we disable stores grid, map not displaying fullwidth Fixed - Phone Number and Visit Website for a store displaying in info-window even if they are not added for a store Fixed - Visit website link in info window not working after WordPress 5.5 update. Fixed - Translations not working for 'Reset Map'
Version: 4.3 Date: 22/10/2021 Fixed - Fix All Notices. Fixed - Wpml Translation Check issue fixed. Fixed - Empty Phone Number in CSV issue fixed. Fixed - Full-Screen Map option issue fixed. Fixed - Remove Statics option issue fixed. Fixed - Multi Store Locator PRO translation issue while import store. Allow special character in csv. Added - Import Export Section UI. Fixed - Global Settings UI. Fixed - Map Theme Color Fixed - Bug Fixes Added - Add Gutenberg Block Support Added - Map Radius on drag pointer
Version: 4.4 Date: 07/04/2022 Code improvement Checked compatibility with WordPress Version 5.9+
Version: 4.4.5 Date: 11/24/2022 Added - Support fix for placeholder. Removed - Error debugger
Version: 4.4.6 Date: 08/08/2023 Improved - Code Optimization Fixed - Vulnerability Fixes
Version: 4.4.7 Date: 11/09/2023 Improved - Compatible with the latest WPML plugin