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Wpcast – Audio Podcast WordPress Theme

tick Recently Updated  tick Well Documented

WpCast is the fastest and most professional way to create your audio podcast website in WordPress, with non stop music player and integrations with Apple Podcast (ex iTunes Podcast), and Google Podcast. It’s also compatible with Libsyn, Anchor.fm and Blubrry.

Original price was: US$69.00.Current price is: US$4.99. for 1 year

  • 100% Original Product and Virus Free.
  • Regular Update. 
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2 Items sold in last 24 hours
Last Update Date: November 15, 2023


WpCast is the fastest and most professional way to create your audio podcast website in WordPress, with non stop music player and integrations with Apple Podcast (ex iTunes Podcast), and Google Podcast. It’s also compatible with Libsyn, Anchor.fm and Blubrry.

UPDATE 1.3: Added new demo, added QT Places plugin, updated plugins installation process.
UPDATE 1.2: Added podcast timestamp functionality

Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 1 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 2

Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 3 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 4 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 5 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 6 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 7 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 8 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 9 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 10 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 11 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 12 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 13 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 14 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 15 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 16 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 17 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 18 Wpcast - Audio Podcast WordPress Theme - 19

Wpcast is a fresh and fast WordPress theme to create your responsive podcast website with ease, and doesn’t require any programming skill. Wpcast is very flexible, allowing a wide range of customizations including fonts, colors, logo and design. The podcast publishing experience with this theme is a breeze and doesn’t take more than a couple of seconds. You can arrange podcasts by series, by author or by topic, and each archive will generate a valid podcast RSS feed useful for every feed subscription and reader, and for external aggregators as Apple Podcast or Google Podcast.

Wpcast is also compatible with the most popular plugins as Seriously Simple Podcast and PowerPress, making it easier to manage and craft in detail your podcast publishing, and allowing to import your episodes from pre-existing archives as Libsyn or Blubrry. You can host the mp3 files on external platforms or on your same WordPress media library.

The theme comes packed of extra functionalities that extend the basic WordPress capabilities, transforming your website in the perfect Podcasting platform.

Easiest publishing experience ever!

Set a title, drop the mp3 in the page, and click “Publish”. Creating a new podcast with Wpcast takes literally 5 seconds! And the theme is compatible both with Gutenberg audio blocks, classic audio shortcodes, and other standard audio embedding system, so it will recognize also pre-existing contents from your previous podcast wordpress website, providing retro-compatibility for older contents.

Non Stop Music

Ajax navigation plugin included, creating a smooth page transition without interrupting the audio reproduction.

Including the state-of-the-art blazing new QantumThemes Music Player, with playlist, time seek, volume control and an app-like mobile experience. This new player is the actual industry-standard for web audio listening, tested and working on every modern desktop or mobile device.


Manage the audio playlist completely, preload archive podcasts by ID or number, or manually add any track to the player, for a deep and enjoyable user experience.

Social Interactions, Rating and Like

With the bundled ReAktions plugin this theme has tons of engagement functions as social share, post like, views count and ratings.

Advanced author details

Each author can have social icons, biography and custom picture with direct image-uploader.

Frontend + Backend visual editing

If you don’t like Gutenberg, we provide a faster and easier page creation experience with the bundled plugin Page Builder by WPBakery. Create your pages from the ground-up, even with front-end editor!

17 Extra Page Builder Shortcodes

Podcast grids, playable slider, lists, sharing links, social icons, buttons and much more! This theme adds a gazilion of shortcodes to Page Builder, making it easy to reach any complex (or simple) page strucure you desire.

Gutenberg compatible

Do you like Gutenbers? Our shortcodes are also available as blocks under the Wpcast Theme Blocks section of Gutenberg. The theme adds also complete support for Gutenberg galleries, quotes, audio blocks and everything else, with Full-width and wide alignment too!

4 blog archives

Choose among 4 different post design options: cards, horizontal cards, wide cards and classic large posts lists. You have plenty of room to craft your podcast website in every style you like!

Sidebar options

Enable or disable the sidebar for your posts in a single click, with the possibility to change design for a single post, bypassing the global options.

Call To Action

Reach your goals faster with a customizable Call To Action button in the header. You can craft text, icon link and classes! Add subscription buttons automatically, to hook the people to your updates.

Off-Canvas menu and sidebar

Add extra contents with the optional off-canvas space, allowing an extra menu location and sidebar widgets slot.

Custom Widgets

This theme comes with the custom Wpcast Widgets plugin, adding 2 custom widgets: Cards and List archives. This widget can extract posts by classic date parameter, but also by views and likes. Keep the salient content on the edge with the Wpcast widget.

Responsive and Fast

Developed with performance in mind, the speed and weight of this theme are so good that you can easily reach a top grade performance, improving SEO and user experience.

Podcast cards with embedded player

Goodbye boring archives! Wpcast provides a built-in interactive player for every post in the archive: listen to a podcast directly from the archive, add it to the playlist or share it to your friends! Full multimedia and social interactions are at your fingertips, for the most interactive and engaging experience.

Series cards with playable episodes list

The QT Series taxonomy not only provides a valid Apple Podcast / Google Podcast RSS feed, but also a super usable frontend experience: series cards (world premiere for this functionality) can display the latest episodes directly from the series archive, including a playable link and a single episode link, feed subscription button and intro description. This functionality represents actually the cutting edge in podcasting web interfaces, and you won’t find it anywhere else!

Wpcast works perfectly for a single person podcast, multi-author, multi-topic, multi podcast or every other structure you want to do. We provide out-of-the-box a built-in subscription link to every podcast archive, making it blazing-fast for any user to subscribe and receive your new episodes.

One Click Demo Installer

Our simplified setup process replicates with a single click the same website you see in the demo, including pictures and audio. A fully functional carbon-copy of what you see, to start building in a flash.

Parallax Headers

One-click activation for fancy and smooth parallax effect on every post and page header!


Wpcast is compatible with the popular MailChimo newsletter platform and the official Mailchimp WordPress plugin, to add your subscription form in a simple, easy way.

Contact Form 7

Fully compatible with Contact Form 7, the most popular contact form plugin for WordPress, free and bundled with the theme!

Give Donation Plugin

Donations are one of the fastest and best ways to monetize a podcast. And “Give” is the most popular plugin that you can look for! Add a donation form anywhere, set goals, money-transfer methods as payPal, bank transfer or more.

PowerPress + Seriously Simple Podcasting

Wpcast is compatible with the most popular podcasting plugin of your choice. Our documentation provides additional info about the theme-specific settings and the best configuration for the perfect website. With SSP and Powerpress you can easily import existing episodes from other providers as Libsyn, Anchor.fm or Blubrry, as well as craft a custom feed with your own details for the reposting on external platforms.

Valid Apple Podcast and Google Podcast feed

No need for extra plugins to publish your podcast feed on Google Podcast or Apple podcast, the theme will give you a ready-to-go xml RSS feed. You can optionally use SSP or PowerPress to better craft your feed appearance for third party reposting.

Tons of customizations

Customize logo, fonts, colors, player, footer, and much more. With the real-time preview you can change the appearance of your website very easily

Direct Support

No 3rd party services here, no copy-and-paste answers, the support is provided directly from the theme developers, monday to friday, 9-18 (CET).

Well Documented

Clear and exaustive documentation with screenshots, in PDF or web format, that guides you from the first steps with WordPress to the final site of your dreams. And if something is not clear, support is always here!

Fully translatable

Our theme and custom plugins have an up-to-date .pot file, allowing a free and quick translation to any language in the most standard WordPress way.

Child Theme Provided

If you plan applying customizations, theme-overrides or custom js/css versions, with Wpcast is easy! Just use the provided child theme, and the updates won’t delete your changes!

Pre Purchase Questions

For any presale question please get in touch on our website https://qantumthemes.com/presale/

1.6.0 [2023 August 22]
[x] Theme Core update (kirki)
[x] Player update (kirki)
[x] Customizer fields updates for kirki
[x] WPBakery update

1.5.0 [2022 December 28]
[x] Udpated player for PHP 8.0

1.4.7 [2022 April 18]
[x] Added data narrow by Standard post format in WPBakery
[x] Breadcrumb fix
[x] Updated plugin Page Builder

1.4.6 [2022 january 03]
[x] UPDATED PLUGIN Page Builder

1.4.5 [2021 June 28]
[x] Updated theme core plugin
[x] Scroll playlist fix

1.4.4 [2021 April 16]
[x] ADDED - CUSTOM IMAGE FEATURED FOR EPISODES HEADERS https://www.qantumthemes.com/helpdesk/forums/topic/episode-art-per-episode/#post-74784
[x] UPDATED author-date.php added link to author archive
[x] FIXED episodes number and list in Series Cards template-parts/serie/episodes.php template-parts/serie/serie-card.php
[x] UPDATED PLUGIN WPBakery page Builder

1.4.3 [2020 DECEMBER 09]
[X] removed easy swipebox deom required plugins
[x] Force disable plugin Easy swipebox in inc/tgm-plugin-activation/conf.php
[x] Added qt Swipebox plugin in replacement to easy swipebox
[x] js/qt-main.js added swipebox reinit after ajax

1.4.0 [2020 SEPTEMBER 19]
[x] ADMIN: Now plugin updates are not dismissable anymore, because of users disabling the message and complaining for having outdated plugins
[x] TGMPA Dismiss link removed 'dismiss'  => $this->dismissable 
[x] TGM REMOVED LINE 1111 class-tgmpa-plugin-activation.php // || get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'tgmpa_dismissed_notice_' . $this->id, true ) 
[x] UPDATED PLUGIN Envato Market
[x] UPDATED PLUGIN WPBakery page Builder [2020 AUGUST 12]
[X] Theme core plugin update for wp 5.5

1.3.9 [2020 June 09]
[x] UPDATED Player to fix iOS issue
[x] UPDATED WPBakry Page Builder

1.3.8 [2020 April 16]
[x] FIX Javascript bug on search button from Chrome 82

1.3.7 [2020 April 13]
[x] QT Music Player plugin update
[x] QT Places plugin update > Metaboxes update
[x] TTG Core plugin update

1.3.6 [2020 March 16]
[x] Icons vertical align middle to fix alignment on Firefox 

1.3.5 [2020 March 01] 
[x] Updated QTM Player Plugin
[x] Updated WPBakery Page Builder

1.3.4 [2019 December 04] 
[x] Updated QTM Player Plugin
[x] Updated compatibility for wp 5.3

1.3.3 [2019 October 21] 
[x] Updated QTM Player Plugin
[x] Updated WPBakery Page Builder

1.3.2 [2019 October 11] 
[x] FIXED typo in meta-archive.php
[x] ADDED autofocus on search
[x] IMPROVED colors in search field
[x] ADDED custom feed link in customizer > podcasts
[x] ADDED option to hide the Subscribe button in customizer

1.3.1 [2019 August 01]
[x] Fixed seried grid small exclude parameters

1.3.0 [2019 July 09]
[x] Fixed XS spacing size
[x] ADDED custom quantity in Series Small shortcode
[x] ADDED QT Places plugin
[x] ADDED Demo Travel
[x] UPDATED TGM Connector to 3.0.2
[x] UPDATED Ajax Page Load

1.2.0 [2019 June 18]
[x] UPDATED tgm plugin activation > added exclusion fetching conditions
[x] UPDATED Page Builder plugin
[x] ADDED: podcast tracklists
[x] PLAYER: updated minor scripts
[x] ADDED compatibility with the QT Places plugin

1.1.3 [2019 May 23]
[*] update player to 1.0.5
[*] update Page Builder to 6.0.2
[*] Added linkedin social
[*] WP5.2 compatible

1.1.4 [2019 June 02]
[*] Updated QTmusicPlayer - fixed double track preload

1.1.3 [2019 May 23]
[*] update player to 1.0.5
[*] update Page Builder to 6.0.2
[*] Added linkedin social

1.1.1 [2019 Mar 05]
[x] sidebar fix in template-parts/single/single-sidebar.php
[x] CSS selector fix in customizations.php
[x] PHP function replaced in comments-pingback.php

1.0.9 [2019 Feb 23]
[x] PHP errors fix ( https://envato.d.pr/0pOTnK ) 
[x] Pages pagination
[x] Comments enabled by default in page
[x] Escaping improvement

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