Angro - WooCommerce B2B & Wholesale Theme
Angro - WooCommerce B2B & Wholesale Theme Original price was: Rs6,150.00.Current price is: Rs410.00. for 1 year
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YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup

tick Recently Updated  tick Well Documented
What the plugin does?
Show a popup to customers after they’ve added a product to the cart, improving, in this way, the user experience and boosting up-selling.
How you can benefit from it:

  • give real-time feedback to your customers after they add a product to the cart;
  • improve the purchase process flow by showing your customers a summary of all products added to the cart and the order total;
  • promote related, cross-sell, and up-sell products and encourage your customers to add more items to the cart: this will increase the average order value and boost sales.

Original price was: Rs4,920.00.Current price is: Rs410.00. for 1 year

Price is in US dollars and excludes tax and handling fees

  • Verified from VirusTotal
  • 100% Original Product and Virus Free.
  • Regular Update. 

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19 Items sold in last 24 hours
Last Update Date: January 18, 2024


YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup

A hands-on solution to improve your shop usability and boost up-selling

A customer who adds a product to the cart may experience quite annoying and useless waiting time before being able to check out and finalize the purchase. Thanks to this plugin’s functionalities, the purchase process will be streamlined and much easier and faster for your users.

YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup allows you to show a popup window every time the customer adds a new product to the cart to see the updated cart content. On the one hand, this helps customers have a clear view of what they will purchase; on the other hand, this encourages them to keep browsing the site to buy more products.

Thanks to this plugin, you can also increase the average order value by promoting the related products in the popup window through a solid and efficient up-sell and cross-sell strategy.

Show the popup window on all products or specific ones

Choose to show the popup for every product added to the cart or only when specific products are added – thanks to the built-in Exclusion List.

Show popup on products
YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup
Show popup on pages
YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup

Choose on what pages to show the popup

You can choose to show the popup window when the customer adds the product to the cart from the shop or category pages, only if the product is added from the product page, or you can choose to always show the popup regardless of what page your user is on.

Choose whether to show the full cart content or only the product that has been just added

Choose whether to show only the details of the product that has been added to the cart or the content of the whole cart in the popup window.

Cart content or last product added
Customize popup appearance
YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup

Customize the graphic appearance of the popup

From overlay color to popup background, border radius, text color, sizes, and animation effect, you can customize every aspect of your popup and adapt it to your needs and your store’s look.

Customize the “Added to cart” message

Set a custom text and the default icon size, color, and position, or upload a custom icon of your choice: you will find many options to customize the message that tells the user that the product has been successfully added to the cart.

Customize notice
YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup
Customize the product table
YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup

Customize the product table

Customize the product name and price, choose whether to show the product image and set the thumbnail size. You can also show the product variation details (like size, color, and so on) and much more.

Customize the totals section

Choose whether to show tax, shipping costs, and the cart total. Additionally, you can customize all the colors of this section.

Customize totals section
YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup
Customize buttons
YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup

Choose how many buttons to show and customize their style

For the popup, you can choose whether or not to show the “View cart” button (redirecting users to the cart page), the “Proceed to Checkout” button (redirecting users to the checkout page), and the “Continue shopping” one (that closes the popup and lets them keep browsing products). For every button, you will be able to customize text and colors.


Show an up-sells section and customize the related options

If you want, you can also include an up-sell section in the popup window. You can set up the number of products to show and which type: up-sells, cross-sells, or related products – the plugin will automatically select which products will be displayed based on the products in the cart. Alternatively, you can pick specific products of your choice and make sure these are always displayed.

Show upsell and related products
YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup
Show mini cart
YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup

Show a mini floating cart and customize its style and position on the screen

The plugin comes with a mini floating cart that can replace the default cart icon available in most themes’ headers. You can choose where to show it on the screen and customize its style details, from the background color to the icon displayed.


100% mobile friendly: show the popup and the mini cart also to users who purchase from mobile devices

The plugin is 100% mobile-friendly and works great on mobile resolutions. If this works better for you, you can disable both features and make sure that the popup and the floating mini cart are not visible to customers who buy from a smartphone or a tablet.

Mobile friendly popup


  • General options
    • Show the popup on all products
    • Show the popup only on products or categories added to the Exclusion List
    • Show the popup on all products or categories except for those in the Exclusion List
    • Choose whether or not to show the popup when adding products from the shop page, category pages, etc.
    • Choose whether or not to show the popup on the product page
    • Show the popup to mobile users
    • Choose whether to show the whole cart content or only the details of the product added
  • Style and popup customization
    • Set the popup size
    • Choose the animation effect (fade, slide, zoom, etc.)
    • Set the overlay color and the popup background
    • Set the popup border radius New
    • Choose whether or not to show the close icon and set its color
    • Customize the “Added to cart” notice (text, icon, colors, etc.)
    • Choose whether or not to show the product name, image, and price
    • Choose whether or not to show the details of the selected product variation (color, size, etc.)
    • Choose whether or not to show the shipping costs, tax, and cart total
    • Show the “View cart” button and customize its style, text, and colors
    • Show the “Proceed to Checkout” button and customize its style, text, and colors
    • Show the “Continue shopping” button and customize its style, text, and colors
  • Up-sell/cross-sell options
    • Choose whether or not to show a section with recommended products
    • Customize the section title (text, color, etc.)
    • Choose which products to promote (hand-picked products, related products, cross-sells or up-sells)
    • Set the number of recommended products to display
    • Show or hide the “Add to cart” button on recommended products
  • Mini cart
    • Choose whether or not to show the mini cart on desktop resolutions
    • Choose whether or not to show the mini cart on mobile devices
    • Hide the mini cart icon when there are no products in the cart
    • Choose whether or not to show the counter badge with the total number of products added
    • Customize the mini cart style (icon, colors, border radius, etc.) New
    • Set the floating mini cart position on the screen with drag&drop
  • Integrations and compatibility
    • Compatible with YITH Frequently Bought Together: open the cart popup automatically whenever you add Frequently Bought Together products to the cart New
    • Compatible with WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Add-Ons

Plugin integrations

All the products in our YITH catalog are developed on the same shared framework. This grants full compatibility among all our plugins and allows combining them together to get even more powerful results and more complete solutions.

We do our best to also include compatibility with the most popular WordPress and WooCommerce plugins available on the market.

You can use this plugin with*:

YITH WooCommerce Cart Messages

YITH WooCommerce Cart Messages is an extension designed for those who wish to create custom messages that will be displayed in one or more pages in your website (Product page, Archive page, Cart and Checkout page).

Messages can be displayed at all times or only for specific products in the cart.
Thanks to this integration, each custom message you have created can be shown in the automatic popup (by using YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup) when a product is added to cart.

YITH Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

With YITH Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches for WooCommerce, you can show all your product variations such as colors, sizes, shapes, etc. as selectable color swatches, labels or even with custom images. The customer will be able to pick their favorite variation right from the Shop page and other archive pages. The plugin also allows splitting variations of the same product and show them as separate items on the Shop and archive pages.

The integration between these two plugins allows users to choose the variation of the products directly from the modal window.

YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts is a plugin conceived to create advantageous purchase conditions for your users. By combining this plugin with the YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup the discounted prices will also be visible inside the add to cart popup.

YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together

YITH WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together allows you to suggest a group of selected products on the product page to encourage users to buy more products and offer them at a discounted price also.
The integration with YITH Added to Cart Popup will let the Cart popup open automatically whenever one or more products from Frequently Bought Together section are added to the cart.

YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles

YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles is an extension conceived to create bundles with the combination of some products of your shop. You can assign an ad-hoc price to the bundle or a price given by the sum of the single elements contained in the bundle itself.
The integration allows enabling the YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup features also on all the “Bundle” products of your shop.

YITH WooCommerce Quick View

YITH WooCommerce Quick View allows the users to get a quick view of the product in which they are interested. The product details will be shown in a popup, so they don’t need to leave the current page.
The integration with YITH Added to Cart Popup allows opening the Added to cart popup when clicking on the Add to cart button from the quick view.

YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce

Thanks to YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce you can offer users the chance to ask for a quote for one or more products in your shop.
The integration between these two plugins allows you to open the list of all items added to the quote and to send a request of price estimate from the popup without leaving the page.

* All the plugins listed in this section are not included in YITH WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup. In order to take advantage of a specific integration, you need to purchase and activate the premium version of the related plugin.


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