Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter mak 500 user
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter mak 500 user Original price was: Rs36,900.00.Current price is: Rs8,200.00.
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Zoner – Real Estate WordPress Theme

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Zoner – Real Estate WordPress theme

Zoner It’s a new Real Estate WordPress theme with unique functionality, design and features. Perfect for agency owners, personal or standalone Real estate agents, who want to receive personal, regional or global Real estate WordPress website. You can watch videos try Zoner lite on check pages on PSD mockups.

Original price was: Rs4,838.00.Current price is: Rs410.00. for 1 year

  • 100% Original Product and Virus Free.
  • Regular Update. 
Payments Method elements keys
9 Items sold in last 24 hours
Last Update Date: March 4, 2024


Zoner – Real Estate WordPress theme

Zoner It’s a new Real Estate WordPress theme with unique functionality, design and features. Perfect for agency owners, personal or standalone Real estate agents, who want to receive personal, regional or global Real estate WordPress website. You can watch videos try Zoner lite on check pages on PSD mockups.

Theme is handmade by professionals using such good things like:

  • WordPress 5.3 – Latest version
  • Bootstrap 3 1170px grid – Excellent Responsiveness
  • Redux Framework plugin – Theme options
  • Visual composer plugin – Page builder
  • Slider Revolution plugin – Home page slider


Dear Customers, please, be informed, that started from Version 3.6 of Zoner theme for using options Google and Facebook login in your settings Authorized redirect URLs and URL addresses for QAuth redirect you should use link, for example, instead of

Once you have installed Zoner 4.0 WordPress theme it allows directly send message to users or agents whose properties can appear in the field of your interests in new message system.

Main features


  • Message system  – Choose the most convenient way for you to send and receive messages at Zoner
  • Direct Bank Transfer  – Payment method since v3.0
  • Dynamic map  – Dynamic search results on Google maps
  • Colors – 8 different color schemes
  • Social login – Facebook and Google
  • Compare property – Add your property to compare list
  • Membership – Create own tarif plans
  • Payments – Pay via PayPal or Stripe
  • Invoice – Automatically receive payment informations about all purchases.
  • Property Pending system – For site administrator
  • 19 Header variations – With different header display and functionality
  • 20 Uniquer Visual Composer shortcodes – Available only in this theme
  • 3 Variation of property display – Masonry, Grid, Listing
  • 4 Custom post types – Properties, Agencies, FAQ’s, Timeline
  • 4 Sidebars – Left and right for pages, Footer, Property listing page
  • 6 Zoner widgets – Display custom widgets in any sidebar
  • 9 Email templates – Email notifications for regular users, agents, agency owners
  • Frontend property managment – Users can manage own property on frontend
  • Backend property managment – Perfect for site administrator
  • Registration and login – Create or login to your personal account
  • Custom user roles – Regular user and agent with different permissions
  • User profile page – Page with personal settings and information
  • Agency profile page – Create own agency if you are agent
  • Agency Invitation system – Invite people to your agency via email invitation
  • Bookmarks – Only for registered users
  • Advanced search – Drag and drop options for search fields
  • Google Map & OpenStreetMap – Choose your map format
  • Currency options – If you want to sell property for different countries
  • Parallax Map Scrolling – Awesome modern effect
  • Property Type – Creat your own propery types as taxonomy
  • Property Features – Creat your own propery features as taxonomy
  • Additional fields – Custom Metax boxes
  • Geo Location – Find your position
  • Currency Calculator – Allow the user to use currency localization
  • Sorting – 6 variations of property sorting
  • View counter – Display numbers of property views
  • Contact forms – For administrator, agency, personal agents + Contact form 7 plugin support
  • Thank you pages – If new real estate property or agency was added by agent
  • Blog post formats – All post formats since WordPress 3.6
  • Retina ready – FontAwesome 4.2
  • WPML support – Translation ready & language switcher
  • SEO Ready – We recommend to use WordPress SEO by YOAST
  • dsIDXpress – WARNING: Diverse Solutions no longer supporting dsIDXpress
  • RTL languages – Full support, check rtl Demo


Header variations

  • Default header
  • Google Map Full Screen
  • Google Map Fixed Height
  • Google Map Fixed Navigation
  • Google Map with Horizontal Search Box
  • Google Map with Advanced Horizontal Search Box
  • Open street map Full Screen
  • Open street map Fixed Height
  • Open street map Fixed Navigation
  • Open street map with Horizontal Search Box
  • Open street map Advanced Horizontal Search Box
  • Property Slider
  • Property Slider with Search box
  • Property Slider with Horizontal Search Box
  • Property Slider with Advanced Horizontal Search Box
  • Revolution Slider
  • Revolution Slider with Search box
  • Revolution Slider with Horizontal Search Box
  • Revolution Slider with Advanced Horizontal Search Box

Video tutorials


  • en_US
  • ru_RU
  • nl_BE
  • ar_AR
  • es_MX
  • nl_NL
  • nl_BE
  • es_ES
  • it_IT

Real Examples

Change log

Follow us and rate 5 stars if you want to see new features in updates. Thanks!

Version 4.2 19.11.2019

- New: Added OpenStreetMap and ability to choose type of map
- Update: Languages files
- Improvements: Security
- Bug fix: 'Fixed header' option
- Bug fix: Google reCAPTCHA v3

Version 4.1.1 – 04.07.2019

- Update: Security fix
- New: Added Google reCAPTCHA v3 
- Improvements: Message forms on the agency and property pages now have preloader spinner during sending
- Improvements: Widgets styles

Version 4.1 – 12.11.2018

- New: San-Francisco redesign (add demo content and theme options)
- Update: Social login (Google, Facebook)
- Update: Change version google map
- Update: Languages files
- Update: Zoner options update
- Update: Updating libs: murkerclusterer, markerwithlabel
- Improvements: Currency Calculator Widget functionality, new option section Currency conversion
- Improvements: Remove rel=nofollow from internal links
- Improvements: Styles improvements
- Improvements: Add pagination to archive page of Agencies
- Improvements: Multiple properties in one location' functionality
- Bugfix: Property Gallery functionality
- Bugfix: Agent Profile - My Properties
- Bugfix: Add(edit) property on front not uploaded images with upper case file extension
- Bugfix: Sign-in jquery.validate.min.js error in forgot password mode

Version 4.0 – 27.04.2018

- New: Tested on WordPress 4.9.5
- New: AMP version of property pages, post pages
- Update: WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.7
- Improvements: 'properties listing' shortcode : checked paging option by default
- Improvements: 'properties listing' shortcode : limitation of the number of properties
- Improvements: The Email about invite to agency : Agency name added to the subject
- Improvements: Added 'bookmark' and 'compare' buttons to the property box on the map
- Improvements: make phone numbers be link
- Bug fix: Agencies listing shortcode - warning on php7.2
- Bug fix: Search box fields 'Property type' and 'garages'
- Bug fix: Profile upload avatar
- Bug fix: fileinput.min.css enqueue on all pages
- Bug fix: e-mail wrong user role after user registration with social login
- Bug fix: Facebook share link
- Bug fix: Get invoice info by id error
- Bug fix: Styling/Color Scheme
- Bug fix: Padding on the top of the page in mobile version on some header variations
- Bug fix: Notices and compatibility 'fun number' shortcode script
- Bug fix: vc_row template update
- Bug fix: Dummy data
- Bug fix: Theme Styles

New version 3.8 – 18.12.2017

- New: Tested on WordPress 4.9
- New: Tested on PHP 7.2
- Improvements: Header options in pages - change taxonomies checkboxes to multiselect
- Improvements: E-mail template contact-agent
- Improvements: Better WPML support
- Improvements: Renew dummy data
- Improvements: Remove paid status in membership mode
- Bug fix: Conversation system - wrong link to target user profile
- Bug fix: Timeline image width
- Bug fix: Some Warnings on PHP 7.2
- Bug fix: Fatal error on search on PHP 7.1
- Bug fix: RTL styles
- Bug fix: Agents listing shortcode wrong pagination and markup
- Bug fix: Wrong 'Unlimited' mark for current package in profile
- Bug fix: Not visible all packages in user profile in back-end
- Bug fix: Properties sorting - redirect page wrong params
- Bug fix: Calculator api url
- Bug fix: Property grid listing image holder
- Bug fix: 'Header map type' functionality on pages
- Bug fix: SMTP support

Version 3.7.1 – 24.08.2017

- New: Italian translation
- Improvements: Front-end agent profile
- Improvements: Visual Composer 5.2.1 support
- Bug fix: Deprecated function vc_generate_dependencies_attributes

Version 3.7 – 16.06.2017

- Bug fix: If permalink structure is plain
- Bug fix: Position of geo-location button on mobile
- Bug fix: Zoner_properties_listing_shortcode wrong query on multiselect
- Bug fix: Blog page enabling layout options
- Bug fix: Print property wrong image
- Bug fix: Choose location on front-end Add Property page with OpenStreet maps
- Bug fix: JS error on properties archive page
- Bug fix: Uncaught ReferenceError: initSubmitMap is not defined
- Bug fix: Syntax error: "Flor Plans" -> "Floor Plans" 
- Bug fix: Phone number display error in agents listing page
- Improvements: Update Facebook sdk v.2.8
- Improvements: All properties page sidebar, Quick Summary widget description, Property sidebar description

Version 3.6 – 06.04.2017

- New: Theme Options: Add enabled/disabled fields on property pages
- Improvements: Add custom filter for address line
- Improvements: Add custom user role capabilities
- Bug fix: Change property slug for tags
- Bug fix: Print property information (pdf)
- Bug fix: Adding images on front-end (add/edit property)
- Bug fix: Currency Calculator
- Bug fix: Color scheme
- Bug fix: RTL
- Bug fix: Google Map draggable on mobile
- Bug fix: Search box on full height map

Version 3.5 – 18.01.2017

- New: Improved actions
 for adding custom fields 
- New: Property page, left sidebar
- Update: Translation files
- Improvements: WPML adaptations
- Improvements: jQuery Validate translation file
- Bug fix: Problem with Advanced search Zoner
- Bug fix: Empty list of states in Nigeria
- Bug fix: select2/selectpicker conflict resolved
- Bug fix: Membership, featured properties for package don't change to empty

Version 3.4 – 14.10.2016

- New: Advanced color scheme
- New: Property page print button
- Improvements: Send messages on enter button
- Update: Arabic translation
- Bug fix: Agent's page items in one geographic location on map

Version 3.3 – 21.09.2016

- New: Translation for Nederlands
- Improvements:On\off share buttons in sigle property
- Improvements: SignIn shortcode notification moved to bottom
- Bug fix: List styles in widgets
- Bug fix: Grid listing action buttons paddings and positions
- Bug fix: Dropdown error when not created menu
- Bug fix: Map style type for property & contact pages
- Bug fix: Zoner map with properties shortcode search block position in mobile
- Bug fix: Idx not correct items count

Version 3.2 – 20.07.2016

- New: Fixed header option
- New: Properties approved by admin yes/no 
- New: Property VC shortcode auto-play option
- New: Bookmark and compare property inside listings
- New: Share listing
- Update: TGM plugins on remote server
- Update: Slider Revolution 5.2.6
- Improvements: Page maps headers system
- Bug fix: Admin profile page
- Bug fix: Choose type for map add property page
- Bug fix: Sidebar selects dots style remove

Version 3.1 – 02.07.2016

- New: Message system between users
- New: Languages for Google maps api
- New: About the Author option
- New: Add property page, step 1) and step 2) add options to add own text
- New: Spanish translation es_ES
- New: Google Maps API Key
- Update: Visual composer 4.12
- Update: Slider Revolution
- Update: Envato WordPress Toolkit 1.7.3
- Update: Slider revolution export file
- Update: dummy_data.xml
- Improvements: Zoner map with properties, new option "Search form layout type: vertical search" 
- Improvements: Add agent to your agency if agent exist
- Improvements: Register form shortcode
- Improvements: wp_get_current_user instead of get_currentuserinfo()
- Improvements: Additional styles for header variations on responsive
- Improvements: Rename Properties id -> Post id 
- Improvements: Price on require in search results
- Bug fix: Sorting 
- Bug fix: Get user name
- Bug fix: Delete account error fix
- Bug fix: Add property page, google map display in Firefox
- Bug fix: Zoner Map with properties? shortcode on iPad
- Bug fix: Search box with carousel
- Bug fix: Packages price in email
- Bug fix: Property type icon size
- Bug fix: Change package if BACS invoice is approved by admin
- Bug fix: Empty image for open street map
- Bug fix: Revolution slider for all pages is the same as for main page
- Bug fix: Read only for map location metabox

Version 3.0 – 12.04.2016

- New: Redux framework moved to plugin territory
- New: Visual Composer shortcode "Zoner Map with Properties" 
- New: Payment method "Direct Bank Transfer" 
- New: Global type of the map (Google Map or Open Street Map)
- New: Option for display property on map
- New: Popup window on map, if properties have the same address map
- New: Search by reference id in dashboard
- Improvements: Visual Composer shortcode "Property listing", Pagenavi on/off
- Improvements: Visual Composer shortcode "Property listing", Sorting on/off
- Improvements: Advanced search, Query Operator "OR, AND" 
- Update: Slider Revolution
- Update: Visual Composer 4.11.1
- Bug fix: Properties 1px gap
- Bug fix: Agent's mobile phone
- Bug fix: Sorting by price
- Bug fix: Property sub category
- Bug fix: WPML and search results if link format /?lang=en
- Bugfix: when property approved don't send email to agent accounts

Version 2.9.1 – 12.12.2015

- New: Property listing shortcode, filter by city
- New: Property listing shortcode, show/hide "all properties" link
- Update: Slider Revolution 5.1.4
- Bug fix: Add property page, add video button
- Bug fix: Add property page, css for gallery

Version 2.9 – 10.12.2015

- New: Options for similar properties
- Update: WordPress 4.4 ready
- Update: Visual composer 4.9
- Improvements: Gallery on frontend
- Improvements: it is not possible to delete just 1 photo in the submit property form.
- Bug fix: OSM stopped working
- Bug fix: Dashboard categories title display
- Bug fix: Map not working on mobiles after update to 2.8
- Bug fix: RTL mobile menu position
- Bug fix: RTL and map problem
- Bug fix: Jquery validate translation file
- Bug fix: thumbnail images in footer

Version 2.8.1 – 19.11.2015

- New: add property category in search box
- Update: Slider Revolution 5.1.1
- Update: and en_US.po
- Improvements: magnific-popup with arrows
- Improvements: query criteria for similar properties
- Improvements: Print css hide sidebar on property page
- Improvements: Currency converter with google api
- Bug fix: add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated
- Bug fix: image align
- Bug fix: empty space in owl.carousel property items
- Bug fix: WPML language switcher for RTL
- Bug fix: map and touch menu conflict

Version 2.8 – 09.11.2015

- New: Cities becomes a taxonomy
- Update: Visual composer 4.8.1
- Update: demo content .xml file
- Improvements: Safe post insert add property
- Improvements: add quick edit for admin panel on property post type
- Improvements: add bulk edit for admin panel on property post type
- Bug fix: adaptive vc_row for new plugin version
- Bug fix: parse error on add property page
- Bug fix: filter by status and type in dashboard
- Bug fix: property loop page not selected
- Bug fix: Depressed function
- Bug fix: Default values in shortcode
- Bug fix: Icon shortcode, position right
- Bug fix: Agencies listing shortcode
- Bug fix: Navigation buttons not showing at Google maps on small screens
- Bug fix: open drop down menu on touch devices

Version 2.7 – 06.10.2015

- New: Show/Hide breadcrumbs
- New: Show/Hide Page title
- Update: Visual composer 4.7.4
- Improvement: Antispam for comments
- Bug fix: gravatar for comments
- Bug fix: reverse keyword search
- Bug fix: Rating system
- Bug fix: Images on 404 page

Version 2.6 – 09.09.2015

- New: Propery ID metabox field.
- Improvements: Correct display if property page not choosen
- Bug fix: Grid layout featured posts first
- Bug fix: Price range for some languages
- Bug fix: Comments reply
- Update: TGM Plugin activation 2.5.2
- Update: Visual composer 4.7
- Update: Revolution Slider 5.0.7
- Update: WordPress 4.3 support
- Update: Demo content .xml 

Version 2.5 – 13.08.2015

- New: PHP validation for pages "Add property", "Create agency" 
- New: Ability to delete account on front-end
- New: Featured properties, display first in listing
- New: Map with properties for agent profile
- New: Map with properties for agency profile
- New: Zoner options > General - Currency calculator, field for API key (
- New: Zoner options > Property - Contact agent on/off
- New: Zoner options > Header - Compare - On/Off
- New: Zoner options > Header - Add property - On/Off
- Improvements: Add subsets for Google fonts
- Improvements: WPML drop down styles
- Improvements: New comments approvement
- Improvements: Print CSS for property page
- Improvements: Welcome admin page for Redux framework
- Improvements: Social login
- Imrovements: add esc_attr and esc_url for 404 page template
- Bug fix: Default permalinks
- Bug fix: User avatar url
- Bug fix: Hide icon if property type is empty
- Bug fix: Advanced search in widget open advanced search in header
- Bug fix: Thumbnails in footer without images
- Bug fix: Loading icon on map in IE10, IE11
- Bug fix: "Property listing shortcode" if title empty
- Update: Visual composer 4.6.2
- Update: Slider Revolution 5.0.4

Version 2.4.1 – 23.06.2015

- Bug fix: OwlCarousel after update
- Bug fix: Retina logo
- Bug fix: RTL subnavigation styles

Version 2.4 – 22.06.2015

- New: Search by keywords
- Improvements: RTL support
- Update: Visual composer 4.5.3
- Bug fix: Additional SMTP options
- Bug fix: Display comments for pages

Version 2.3.1 – 05.06.2015

- Update: Visual composer 4.5.2
- Bug fix: Theme option, home page variation
- Bug fix: Paid type "Pay for each Property" 
- Bug fix: Property map, after latest update

Version 2.3 – 04.06.2015

- New: Email SMTP options
- New: Cache for property pins on home page
- Update: TGM plugin activation 2.4.1
- Update: Redux Framework
- Update: Visual composer 4.5.1
- Update: Revolution slider 4.6.93
- Bug fix: Currency exchange
- Bug fix: Paypal packages purchase
- Bug fix: Advanced search

Version 2.2 – 02.04.2015

- New: Additional filters for display and sorting properties on map
- New: Order by value in search fields
- New: Hide membership tab for "subsriber" role
- New: Property listing shortocde, link url added
- Update: Russial translation
- Improvements: Css styles
- Bug fix: Package limits

Version 2.1.1 – 30.03.2015

- New: Theme options, admin bar display
- Improvements: CSS styles 
- Bug fix: Membership

Version 2.1 – 20.03.2015

- Update: Visual composer 4.4.3
- Improvements: CSS styles 
- Bug fix: Package limit
- Bug fix: Masonry grid loading

Version 2.0.1 – 04.03.2015

- Improvements: Timeline added sorting by ASC DESC
- Update: Visual composer 4.4.2
- Bug fix: Frontpage and sidebar
- Bug fix: Property listing shortcode, sorting by category not working
- Bug fix: Remove recurring payment if payment system is not available
- Bug fix: Visual composer GRID elements
- Bug fix: Allow rating checked

Version 2.0 – 22.02.2015

- New: Custom post type, "Membership" 
- New: Custom post type, "Invoice" 
- New: Paid property options
- New: Payments via Paypal & Stripe
- New: Appearance > Zoner options, "Maps" 
- New: Header options for pages.
- New: Option "Allow the user to use currency localization" 
- New: Widget "Currency Calculator" 
- New: Slider revolution in Zoner options > Home > Variations of homepage
- New: Email template when property is approved
- New: Email template for invoice
- New: Email template for Membership packages
- New: Qatar states
- Improvements: "Property listing" shortcode, now possible to choose "type, features, status, categories" 
- Improvements: Pricing filter for small prices
- Improvements: Infinite scroll for masonry grid
- Bug fix: Deleting an agency on the frontend doesn't work
- Bug fix: Drop down menu at the end
- Bug fix: Add property page, "state" field
- Bug fix: Holder images on google maps
- Bug fix: Dashboard > Properties, order by
- Bug fix: If property loop page not selected in admin panel
- Bug fix: Area units on add property page
- Update: Translations files
- Update: Documentation

Version 1.9 – 15.01.2015

- New: Currency added "Chilean Unit of Account" 
- Improvements: Zoner Search property shortcode, show advanced search items
- Improvements: Agency listing shortcode new options, "show only those agencies which exist property" 
- Improvements: Sign in shortcode, choose user role for login with social media
- Improvements: WPML for some special pages
- Bug fix: Delete invited agent from agency (frontend)
- Bug fix: Sorting drop down

Version 1.8 – 07.01.2015

- New: dsIDXpress support
- New: Theme option, Property, Gallery image crop on/off
- New: Chile regions
- Improvements: Area units
- Improvements: Default images added to translations
- Update: Translations files
- Bug fix: Zoner property categories ‘Show hierarchy’
- Bug fix: Stars rating if 4 star

Version 1.7.1 – 25.12.2014

- New: Header options for pages
- New: Price format on "Add your property" page
- Improvements: Payment per month/day etc.
- Improvements: Advanced search, new ability to choose "property features" 
- Bug fix: Body background
- Bug fix: Breadcrumbs
- Bug fix: Price filter

Version 1.7 – 20.12.2014

- Update: Visual composer 4.3.5
- Update: Compatibility with WP 4.1
- New: Option for Google map: Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain
- New: Option for maps in the "Add your property" page
- New: Price on request, if price is empty or 0
- New: Email notification for administrator, when someone register on the website.
- Bug fix: Duplicates when adding agent to a agency (Backend)
- Bug fix: Agents listing shortcode, page navigation
- Bug fix: Property loop page and WPML
- Bug fix: Sign in page, click on "enter" button
- Bug fix: "Add your property" page, fields validation in Safari
- Bug fix: Drop down menu
- Bug fix: Countries select (Backend)
- Bug fix: Google map position
- Bug fix: Address field and coordinates (Frontend and Backend)

Version 1.6 – 08.12.2014

- New: styling option 8 color schemes
- New: option create agency on/off
- New: property page, new field "Rooms" 
- New: "Search location" field (front-end)
- New: option zoom for maps in General tab
- Improvements: Default maps settings now in General tab
- Improvements: add filters to property fields
- Improvements: google place property modification
- Bug fix: path to lib for Child theme
- Bug fix: remove check null value on property fields
- Bug fix: layout-property remove view all

Version 1.5 – 26.11.2014

- New: Social login (Facebook, Google)
- New: Add Property page, Location field with map and marker for administrator (backend)
- New: Add property page, Add files field (.pdf, .doc, etc.)
- New: Currency, Venezuelan bolivar
- New: Translation Dutch Belgium (nl_BE)
- New: Slider Revolution (included as plugin)
- Improvements: Property listing shortcode, different types of display. Grid, masonry, listing
- Improvements: Agents Listing shortcode, if agent without properties (0) hide it from list
- Improvements: Property page, display payment type information 
- Improvements: Email templates notifications, additional information added
- Update: ru_Ru translations
- Update: dummy_data.xml
- Bug fix: Hide border if comments off
- Bug fix: If video presentation empty, hide headline
- Bug fix: email template, message to client. Mistake in name
- Bug fix: Agents Listing shortcode, post cout desc
- Bug fix: Admin bar and thank you message in right corner position
- Bug fix: last menu item drop down
- Bug fix: Property gallery, drag and drop
- Bug fix: Theme activation, zoner.class-emails.php on line 80

Version 1.4 – 13.11.2014

- New: Email notification for admin after new property submitted.
- New: Child theme included
- New: zoner.pot included
- New: Sort by random for "Properties page" 
- Update: Russian translation
- Bug fix: Breadcrumbs on specific pages
- Bug fix: Drop down menu in top position
- Bug fix: Carousel responsive version

Version 1.3 – 10.11.2014

- New: Compare properties
- New: Theme options, new tab "Bookmarks". Information about who from users added property to bookmarks, for admin.
- New: Theme options, new tab "Advanced Search" 
- New: Value for area, ft2
- New: Thank you page, after submit property via frontend.
- New: Administrator should approve property before they will be available in directory.
- New: Disctrict field for search form.
- Improvements: Theme options, "Home page" new template switcher.
- Improvements: Registration form, password field removed.
- Improvements: Registration form, password will be send on registered user email.
- Improvements: Code optimization
- Bug fix: Different email templates for user and agent
- Bug fix: Drop downs max height
- Update: Demo content .xml file

Version 1.2 – 30.10.2014

- New: Property page, new field "District" 
- New: Theme options, specific country option
- New: Search form, new option field "Area" 
- New: Additional options for slider on home page
- Improvements: Theme options, new section for "Search form" 
- Improvements: "Property listing" shortcode, Order by "asc" "desc" 
- Improvements: Css optimization
- Bug fix: Price filter, curency symbol removed
- Bug fix: Price filter, changed minimum value
- Bug fix: Agency name

Version 1.1 – 23.10.2014

- New: Search box fields, drag and drop configuration
- New: Theme options tab "Home page" 
- New: Variation of home page, "Google Map with Horizontal Search Box" 
- New: Variation of home page, "Google Map with Advanced Horizontal Search Box" 
- New: Variation of home page, "Open street map with Horizontal Search Box" 
- New: Variation of home page, "Open street with Advanced Horizontal Search Box" 
- New: Variation of home page, "Property Slider with Horizontal Search Box" 
- New: Variation of home page, "Property Slider with Advanced Horizontal Search Box" 
- New: Theme options > Property > Default country
- Improvements: "Property listing" shortcode, Property typed added
- Improvements: "Property listing" shortcode, Property ID added
- Bug fix: Pricing filter with big amounts
- Bug fix: favourites for admin
- Bug fix: carousel on resize
- Bug fix: email newsletter, update images
- Bug fix: Crop thumbnail for agency profile
- Update: Documentation

Version 1.0.1 – 19.10.2014

- Bug fix: Add property, front-end marker display.
- Bug fix: Add to Bookmarks, display for admin.
- Bug fix: Display carousel on laptops
- Imrovements: Css optimization

Version 1.0 – 18.10.2014

- Initial release

Latest Release

Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter mak 500 user

Original price was: Rs36,900.00.Current price is: Rs8,200.00.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and Enterprise mak 500 user

Original price was: Rs57,400.00.Current price is: Rs9,020.00.

Windows Server 2016 Datacenter mak 100 user

Original price was: Rs36,900.00.Current price is: Rs8,200.00.

Windows Server 2016 Standard mak 100 user

Original price was: Rs19,844.00.Current price is: Rs8,200.00.

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